UE4 Anim Blueprint and Player Character for Filmstorm's "Locomotion Animset".
New: ver 1.1 added support for UE5.3+
This UE4 project contains a root-motion based AnimBP and Character BP for the "Locomotion Animset" asset pack, featuring smooth ground locomotion with IK. All the blueprints are extensively commented to help with the understanding of the implementation.
There is also a 40 minutes tutorial video explaining in detail how it all works.
The free demo is available. This demo is simply the packaged version of the project, what you get is exactly this. Please make sure you download it and try it before you buy!
Attention! Please read carefully! The "Locomotion Animset" animations are REQUIRED but NOT INCLUDED in the project files. It's a third party asset (not ours). The blueprint is completely impossible to use without those assets, it will not even open! You must buy them on Unreal Marketplace. For the link to the marketplace page, please refer to the README_DEMO.txt file distributed with demo (Artstation doesn't allow links to the UE Marketplace)
Contents and features:
The zip file contains a UE4 project folder with the following
- Root Motion based Anim BP and Character Blueprint
- Root motion Blendspaces for Moving (Walk/Jog/Sprint/Boost), Starts, Stops, Moving Turns and Turns in place
- Control rig based foot IK
- Optional CR based slope warp implementation (check Readme.txt for instructions)
- Simple AI bot driven by Behaviour tree and a BT decorator to control bot speed
- Detailed video tutorial explaining various parts of the project and a short "How to install" video
The project does NOT contain:
- As stated above, the "Locomotion Animset" pack is a third party asset (not ours). It's required but NOT INCLUDED in the download, you need to buy it from the marketplace and add it to the project, otherwise nothing will work. The HowToInstall video explains the installation process in detail.
- No multiplayer. Multiplayer was never tested and, because it's all root motion, it probably will not work.
Required UE4 versions: 4.26-4.27, UE5.3+
Contact: twitter.com/games_inu
Release Notes
Ver 1.1
- Compatibility update for UE5.3+
- Slightly quicker turns for better responsivity (can be fine tuned or disabled using Adaptative Playrate variables in the AnimBP)
- Root motion scale access is now located in a plugin RMTScale, easier to enable/disable this way