Unreal 4 Version Video:
Auto Landscape Material
- Auto Slope: Blend 2 or 3 Textures based on the Landscape's Slope (Grass,Pebbles,Cliff)
- Auto Height: Blend 1 Textures based on the Landscape's Height (Snow)
- Noise Map variation to the Auto Slope and Height
- 6 Texture Paint Layers, with option to add more easily (Grass,Pebbles,Cliff,Snow,Mud,Road)
- Road Layer: Combines the Mud and Pebble layer to create the Road Layer
- 2 Extra Paint Layer (Remove Grass, Wetness)
- Landscape Visibility Layer Supported
- Landscape Grass Type for each Paint and Auto Layer
- Choose between Height and Weight blend
- Supports Runtime Virtual Textures
Each Paint Layer have the following Features
- Advanced Color Parameters: You can change the Hue, Saturation and Lightness
- Color Variation Based on Noise Map
- Different Tiling Value Based on Distance
- Triplanar Projection (Supports the Distance Based Tiling)
Grass Material
- Advanced Color Parameters: You can change the Hue, Saturation and Lightness
- Top-Down Color Variation
- Color Variation Based on Noise Map
- Grass Blade's Tip Color Variation Based on Wind Gusts
- 5 WPO Animation (Big,Medium,Small,Micro,Gusts)
- Simple Character interaction with the Grass
- Grass Tilt based on camera angle
- Far Away Grass pushed down, creating a pleasing Grow effect instead of Popping in
- Supports Runtime Virtual Textures
Tree Trunk and Tree Top Material
- Same Color option as Grass
- 3 WPO Animation (Trunk,Branches,Gust)
- Extra Bark (You can use 2 bark textures)
- 2 more WPO Animation on Tree Top (Small,Micro)
- Impostor LOD (supports color changes)
Rock Material
- Same Color option as Grass
- Detail Texture (Base Color, Metallic, Roughness, Normal)
- Detail Texture Supports: Triplanar, World UV, or Regular UV projection
- Moss (Moss Grow on top of the Rocks Based on Slope Angle)
- Moss: Same Color option as Grass
- Moss Supports: Triplanar, World UV, or Regular UV projection
- You can change the Moss texture to Mud or Snow if you want
- Noise Map variation for Rock and Moss Blending
- Supports Runtime Virtual Textures
Light Function
- Projects Fake Cloud Shadows to the whole scene
Wind System
- Place 'BP_Wind_BirchForest' into the Scene and rotate it
- Global 'Wind Intensity' and 'Wind Speed' can be set after Selecting the 'BP_Wind_BirchForest' in the scene
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In order to get the same result visually as seen on the screenshots, in the project settings:
- Enable 'Generate Mesh Distance Fields'
- Enable ' Virtual Texture Support'
- Disable 'Allow Static Lighting'
Number of Unique Meshes: 47
LODs: Custom, Auto Generated and Impostor LOD for the Trees
Texture Resolution: 2k-4k
Materials: 7 Master Materials and Many instances
Supported Platforms: Windows
Supported Unreal Engine Versions: 4.24-4.26
This is an unreal engine project!
Release Notes