Brief note – bob character is specially made for unreal to practice combat design and other character workflow. Main focus of this project is to import character in unreal with proper animation , not the product quality. Project is already ready to animate . All you have to do animate in blender and export in unreal.
youtube video link
After downloads you get three files
1- blend file- this file is a blender file which is ready to animate character .character also have controller bones To control bone easy way. In this file all you have to do animate using action editor with NLA editor.
2- fbx file- this is created to import character in any 3d software. This file only have deforming bones , no controller bones
3- texture file- there are only two textures , deffuse and roughness . Textures are in 4k quality and in png format
Project details
Geometry- triangles – 10770
Vertex -5539
Edge – 10920
Face – 5392
Uv map -yes
Material workflow- metalness
Textures- deffuse – 4k png
Roughness – 4k png
Rigged- yes
In blend file , you also get controller bones But in fbx file only deforming bones
Animated – yes
Idle and walk cycle
Note- you can not have facial animation in this project. This project only supports body animations.
Also in unreal it gives error message
1- bone influence is greater than 8
2- bone transform different
Do not worry it just happen because we use two different software, which have different co-ordinate system . For me its not a problem right now
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