(UPDATED) latest version 1.1 --- please check description for instructions on how to install and use
Works on Maya 2018 and above
script that creates a panel extrude of selected mesh with procedural beveling.
this script is a automation of what is shown in the quick tip video Shell modifier without plugin.
Returning Users
Right Click on old VectorExtrudeButton on shelf > click edit> replace the original script with new v1.1 script by copying the text in script into Command section> Save All Shelves
New Users
copy script into script editor> select and highlight code> drag and drop onto shelf to create button.
Click Shelf Button> UI pops up> select mesh> click "Add Vector Extrude Modifier" button> Extrude modifier is added and you can continue to make edits on original mesh
Parent checkbox -- this option will allow the shellExtruded mesh to follow the original mesh
Keep Original -- will keep original mesh when vector extrude is baked.
Bevel On/Off -- toggles the bevel function on or off
Sliders - tweaks the vectorExtrude of the current mesh selected. will update based on current selection. Keep in mind that it currently works on Single mesh selections.
select mesh> run script> creates a extrude shell with live connection to the original mesh> now you can continue to do edits to the original mesh
Release Notes
- Fixed major bug where face is selected on extrude mesh.
- Checks if user has type.mll loaded, if not will load for user.
- Added New UI for better usability
- Extrude Visibility Toggle
- Baking the Vector Extrude
- Remove the Vector Extrude
- Bevel On/Off Toggle
- Ability to Link transforms
- Now you can adjust the extrude thickness/Divisions and bevel offsets/distance/Divisions with sliders that update realtime
Will add new videos on how to use later. please stay tune