This is a collection of 89 unedited hdr / hdri light sources in full 32bit I've shot during the last few years. These are not edited for any purpose, but keep as raw as possible, to keep its usage as wide as possible. (Texturing, compositing and lighting). So in the most cases these are not ready to go hdri, but since 32bit editing has become affordeable this should not be a problem.
I've added some experimental hdri environments to the mix, wich I do use quite often for some interesting lighting.
In the new release there two folders called Calibrated_500px and Calibrated_1000px . These are edited and "calibrated" (eg you have a good starting point using them in your 3d app for lighting). Tested them in LeoMoon LightStudio. The 500px are mostly for your preset system, and should be enough for most user cases. Replace them with the 1000px version if resolution is not good enough
Small FAQ
Amount of hdri
Currently there 89 files in exr format. I'm planing to go up to 100 sometimes in future (est. 1 year).
Each light is a separate zip file to download (sorry about that, but my bandwith isn't that big to upload GB sized files)
Vary, most are above 2kx2k, some are significant bigger some are smaller
Quality ranges from good to moderate, depending on the time I invested in shooting. I will reedit some of the lightbulbs hdri, since they are quite weak (especially on the alignment front.
Some reedits will happen (especially the traditional lightbulbs one), I plan to keep this updating in the next 1 year until I reach 100 hdri, wich will then result in version 2 with a significant higher price. (Free for version 1.0 buyer)
Working with HDRLight Studio / Blender Light Studio
As for the first I don't have any experience in it, but I think the issues will be pretty similar,.
As for the second use the provded 500px versions. You need to change the default 2.0 value to 1.0 or lower depending on the need. (They are "calibrated" to a intensity of 1.0 so its consitent with other applications.
In blender it is also recommended to clip direct/indirect lighting (a value of 10 can solve a lot of the problems) to reduce noise.
If MIS sampling for light / dummy objects is weak in your renderer, you can still bake an environment hdr. Usually the Environment MIS are much better in different render systems.
Release Notes
Added edited 500px and 1000px zip archives of almost all lights (except for the environments