The 3D models have a mid-poly definition and PBR materials
with texture sets designed to be fully compatible with most 3D software and major game engines.
Each pack comes with 3D models in BLEND and FBX formats.
The FBX format ensures the import of any model of your favorite engine.
UV Mapping is optimized for each model and materials feature
the standard PBR Metalness-Rougness system consisting of the following textures:
BaseColor, AmbientOcclusion, Metallic, Roughness, Specular, HeightMap,
NormalMapDirectX, NormalMapOpenGL. Opacity and Emission where necessary.
Available also multi-channel textures ARM (used for Unreal Engine and GameGuru Max),
Smoothness URP and MaskMap HDRP (for Unity).
Use NormalMapOpenGL (+Y) for Blender, Maya, Unity, Cinema 4D, Arnold, Octane.
Use NormalMapDirectX (-Y) for 3D Studio Max, Unreal Engine, Cry Engine, Twinmotion,
GameGuru Max, S2 Engine, V-Ray, Corona.
Available extensions: .blend, .fbx (scale 1).
Compatible with Blender, Maya, 3DS Max, Cinema4D, Unreal Engine, Unity, Cry Engine, Twinmotion, S2 Engine HD, GameGuru Max, Arnold, Octane, V-Ray, Corona.
60 Different trees
19 Different Species
Complete PBR Materials Library
256 Textures
Optimized for Cycles and Eevee
Neatly Organized in Trees Species
Ready-To-Render Packed Blend file
3X Acacias
3X Bamboo
3X Bananas
3X Beeches
3X Birch
3X Cactus
3X Coconut Palms
3X Curly Palms
3X Dat Palms
3X Dead Trees
3X Elms
3X Fir
1X Flowers Bulk
3X Joshua Trees
3X Junipers
3X Maples
3X Maples
3X Oaks
3X Spruces
3X Willows
PBR Materials | 256 Textures