New Video For Release 2.0
Video For Old Release 1.0
This Package is Included High Quality Stylized Material Generator For Substance Painter ( SBSAR )
At the firs you can choice material type, metal or non metal, for each one there are many options and specific parameters.
For example, with emissive parameters you can create different bright objects or in optional menu, you can add snow or moss (with full control) into your material.
With this material you able to create many stylized materials and texture for any things like metals, stone, watercolors, fabrics, bright objects, moos, snow and…
Can be used in any program that support SBSAR like substance painter, 3dsmax, …
High Quality Enough to Closeups Rendering
What is in the package:
- SD Stylized Material Generator Vol.3 Release 2.0 (SBSAR)
- How to setup (PDF)
Dynamic Fur and Feather Material Real and Stylized (SBSAR) Vol.2
Procedural Eye Material (SBSAR+Textures) vol.1
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