Realistic, fully detailed model of a Boeing AH-64D Apache Longbow Helicopter.
Light and Dark paints and 8K and 16K textures packs.
- Realistic, fully detailed Boeing AH-64D Apache Longbow Helicopter model including:
- Fuselage including access hatches and armor panel.
- Main rotor assembly and blades, fire control radar, radar frequency interferometer.
- Tail rotor assembly, linkages and blades.
- Frontal sensor array including PNVS for night vision and TADS.
- Landing gear, main and tail, including wheels.
- M230 30mm chain gun and mount.
- Hellfire missiles and mount.
- Hydra 70 rocket launchers.
- Countermeasures
- Navigation and formation lights, steps, antennas, hand holds, rivets, bolts...
- Photorealistic high resolution textures.
The base control mesh has been included in every format without being colapsed so you can subdivide the geometry as much as you need in your own 3D software. The accurate details of the model work perfectly for extreme close-ups.
- 3dsMax 2022+ [Standard and Vray Renderers]
- Maya 2022+ [Standard Renderer]
- Cinema 4D R22+ [Standard Renderer]
- Blender 4.2 [Cycles Renderer]
- FBX 2018 (Geometry, UV's, Materials)
- OBJ (Geometry, UV's, Materials)
- Alembic
Apache, longbow, helicopter, ah-64d, ah-64, ah64d, ah64d, ah, 64, 64D, Boeing, chopper, attack, militar, military, aircraft, cockpit, avionics, hydra, missile, hellfire, rocket, marine, us, usa, army, gulf, war, iraq, afganistan, machine gun, combat, weapon, vehicle
- Geometry: Subdivision
- Textures: Yes
- Materials: Yes
- UV Mapped: Yes
- Animated: No
- Rigged: No
- Polys: 700.505
- Verts: 719.373