Happy to present this Assets : A Digital Cheetah Model and Textures.
View post here : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Ooo3Yb
He is optimized for riggers and Groomers who want to work on a personnal project or sharpen their skills by practicing on a model with a vfx production quality.
But at an affordable price. This include clean topology especially for Face Shapes. And clean uvs and textures.
He is the Result of my years of experience in big studios such as MPC, One of Us, Ziva Dynamics and other smaller companies.
Cheetah Model Include :
⦁ Clean topology, 100% handmade and optimized with a clean quad edge flow.
⦁ Version with mouth Open and mouth Closed.
⦁ lodB (23100 quad polygons)
⦁ lodA (92400 quad polygons)
⦁ UvsSet1 with 8 UDIMS symmetrical
⦁ UvsSet2 or furUVS with 1 UDIM for technical maps.
⦁ Inner mouth and Tongue attached to the model
⦁ Teeth and claws with clean UVS and textures.
⦁ All textures for the body (Displace, Diffuse,Roughness, SSS radius)
⦁ Eyes model WITHOUT the textures as I don't own them ( I used Texturing XYZ maps)
⦁ Maya scene for Maya 2018 and Arnold
⦁ Zbrush file for Zbrush 2020
⦁ fbx ; Obj ; Alembic File.
Compatible software such as : Maya ; 3DSMAX ; Blender ; C4D ; Houdini ; Zbrush.
If you have any questions or inquiries, do not hesitate to contact me. And i will do my best to answer you as soon as possible : nicolas.morel.sch@gmail.com