Hair strand designer is included with this purchase and is updated for free so no need to buy separately.
This is a hair shader system created for Unreal Engine 4.19 to 4.25 uses custom anisotropy and gives full control to tones and gloss. Updated regularly. Comes with several examples and a hair mesh.
More info on Hair Strand Designer from the product page:
Recently Added the Unity version of the Shader, The Unity Version of the hair shaders are a little different from the Unreal Engine setup but provide similar controls where possible. The results really depend on some post processing filters such as Mad Goat AA (sold on Unity marketplace) or using built in Temporal AA or fast Approximate AA built into the post processing stack which can also be obtained from the Unity Asset Store.
Latest videos for Hair Strand Designer:
Previous Version:
UNITY ASSET STORE LINK (purchase from here if you want it to be part of your unity library as I cannot generate vouchers for everyone who might have bought it here):
Installing the Hair Shader for Unreal:
Again if you want it to be part of your Unreal Engine Library, please purchase it directly from the Epic Marketplace here as I have no way to grant access that that via any code nor vouchers.:
Latest videos:
Instructions for Unreal Engine.
1. After purchase, Download the Hair Shader for UE4, extract files.
2. Open in Explorer your main content folder from within your unreal project.
3. Copy over the HairShader folder with its contents.
4. Go back to your UE4 project and wait for the files to appear.
Alternatively if you wish for the Hair Shader to be part of your marketplace purchases, you can buy the Hair Shader Here:
Then you can also buy the Hair Strand Designer separately from here if you want it:
Speed video demo:
A unique hair shader for Unreal Engine.
Comes with Example Hair wig, 10 material instance examples, 4k Normal and RGBA Texture maps.
Fully setup for Unreal Engine 4.21
Comes with Hair Strand Designer V1.28x Latest Videos:
Please note, with Unreal Engine Shader:
Backlit node will not respond unless you make engine shader edits:
Currently there is a problem with the backlit parameter with the Unreal Engine shader.
To stop the hair from glowing when it is being lit from the backside you need to edit a line of code in the ShadingModels.usf found in "Epic Games\4.19\Engine\Shaders".
ChangeCode:return HairShading( GBuffer, L, V, N, Shadow, 1, 0, Random );toCode:return HairShading( GBuffer, L, V, N, Shadow, GBuffer.CustomData.z, 0, Random );
Newer versions possible fix: