CONTENT : - 50 images in JPG 600 dpi - Min Res. 5640X8478 px / Max Res. 4771X6923 px
- BONUS n°1 : 1 layered psd of the composition made by Sylvain Sarrailh
- BONUS n°2 : a PNG version with a transparent background of 4 of the cobbles textures (in the 5 colors variations)
- BONUS n°3 : a edge for 2 of the textures in JPG and PNG transparent version (in the 5 colors variations)
DESCRIPTION :This traditional painted design pack contains 50 2D cobble textures in very high resolution. The design and the technique made is inspired by the Ghibli style of painting.
You'll find 10 original designs made up of 5 types of tile, each ones in 2 versions, one clean and one aged with weeds and/or numerous cracks and patina surface. Each original design is proposed in 5 color variations. Of course the textures are perfectly tileable!
You will find stylized colored designs of stone and clay pavements or claddings. The variety of regular and irregular tile patterns enable you to find the perfect aspect you need. You can use it very easily as a ground or wall texture and give a unique traditional touch to your work!
You can also see here an example of composition I made in 7 hours
The paintings are done in a traditional way by Johanna Capelle using japanese Poster Colour paint and pastel pencils, and then it’s scanned in very high resolution.
> Please, don't hesitate to share in the comments the kind of art resources you'll be interested in!
PERFECT FOR : Texture art, concept art, matte painting, illustration, architectural composition, digital painting, 2D/3D art, environment art, inspiration …
GENERAL USAGE :Sold paintings are 'Royalty-Free'. The copyrights of the image you buy remain with PIXELREF (Sylvain Sarrailh & Johanna Capelle). The paintings and brushes may be used in commercial, educational or personal projects without credit or royalties to PIXELREF. You have a right of use that is non-exclusive and non-transferable.
ground, floor, grunge, cracked, brick, fissure, crack, run-down, old, dirty, damaged, colorful, run-out, tear, weeds, grass, ancient, tile, pattern, pavement, cladding, siding, decoration, reference, concept art, matte painting, illustration, game art, digital art, drawing, cgi, vfx, textures, game development, image, pack, photobashing, royalty free, reference, ghibli, traditional, material, painting, texturing, 2D, poster colour, miyazaki, paint, painted, hand painted, stylized, hand made