(MAYA) KTPolyPanelExtract  

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KTpolyPanelExtract (Lite)
License: Standard License
Stock Assets

For personal use and one commercial project (up to 2,000 sales or 20,000 views).


One copy to be used by a single user.

Installable Tools

One installation by a single user.

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for user to test the basic version of the polyPanelExtract. Allows user to create panels from selected faces. Does not include the Hard Edge Support and Side Support function. (This functionality is included in the full version) Installation: put the icon KTpolyPanelExtract.png into C:\Users\PCName*\Documents\maya\20XX\prefs\icons. Replace the path names & maya version. Drag and drop script from Script Editor to shelf as MEL. Read MoreRead Less
Files (2)
mel / 734 Bytes
png / 6.8 KB
USD $8.00
License: Standard License
Stock Assets

For personal use and one commercial project (up to 2,000 sales or 20,000 views).


One copy to be used by a single user.

Installable Tools

One installation by a single user.

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Has extra functionality where user can choose to add Hard Edge supports or Side Edge Supports for Smoothing. Comes with installer that creates a shelf icon automatically for you. So it doesn't clutter your shelf with too many buttons. Installation: put icons in C:\Users\PCName*\Documents\maya\20XX\prefs\icons. Replace the path names and version. Put KTpolyPanelExtract.mel in C:\Users\PCName*\Documents\maya\20XX\Scripts. Run the KTPolyPanelExtractInstall.mel in Script Editor to install Button. Read MoreRead Less
Files (3)
zip / 4.3 MB
mel / 734 Bytes
png / 6.8 KB