Remove stray garbage from the layer
With a click of a button, you eliminate smaller and loose parts of a mesh while keeping the largest parts intact.
It is similar to Houdini Labs' Delete Small Parts.
This deletes whole elements such as mesh objects
Ok. But how?
In object mode, go to Object ---> click delete loose
The plugin operates on a selection.
The plugin expects a mesh type object.
The plugin operates on objects from the same layer, e.g., layer named Suzanne.
the mesh to which other meshes are compared must be dissimilar, if you have small and big Suzanne it will not work, must be e.g., Suzanne and some garbage.
Ok. But why?
Useful during sculping when a lot of garbage accumulates, or after a particle simulation, you name it
can save tons of time and it is useful for mesh cleaning
I did not pay attention; what does it do again?
Automatically separates the selected mesh object by loose parts, selects the smaller loose parts (after volume calculations), and deletes them, leaving the larger part untouched. Only one object remains in the layer.
The method for volume calculation consists of tessellating the faces, then summing up the tetrahedrons. That is why the mesh to which other meshes are compared must be dissimilar
Tested in Blender 2.8+, including latest Blender 3.5