add cloth details really fast and speed up your workflow
in this pack you will get :
50 zbrush tension and compression folds brush ( vol2 )
50 alphas ( you can use them in zbrush - blender - 3dcoat and ....)
also they are fully compatible with 3d texture painting software like adobe substance painter and ....
all alphas are in psd - png -tiff formats
4k resolution & 16 bit
this pack also include a video tutorial (step by step guide for using brushes and alphas in the best way )
and how to use the alphas in adobe substance painter
and a 3d model of the cloth ( in the cover ) in fbx format
tutorial : how to use brushes and alphas in zbrush
tutorial : how to use the alphas in adobe substance painter
note :
all brushes are compatible with zbrush 2020 and higher
dear customer , I'm really glad to publish this product and can help you to speed up your workflow
you can build your portfolio or do clients work , better and faster with the power of alphas
as always I'm here and will be happy to help you and answer your questions about product
so feel free and just message me
for better previews :
my free ( premium quality ) product :
link to other products :
200 Zbrush fabric brush - Tension and Compression Folds ( collection 1)
50 Zbrush Fabric Tension and Compression Folds Brush & Alpha - ( Vol 4)
50 Zbrush Fabric Tension & Compression Folds Brush & Alpha - ( vol 3 )
50 ZBrush Fabric Tension and Compression folds Brush & Alpha - ( vol 1 )
all of my products :