High quality polygonal model - correctly scaled accurate representation of the original objects.
All colors can be easily modified.
Model is fully textured with all materials applied.
All textures and materials are included.
No part-name confusion when importing several models into a scene.
No cleaning up necessary, just drop model into your scene and start rendering.
No special plugin needed to open scene.
Where to use:
Games. Models optimized for game engines;
Advertising and marketing;
NFT, metaverses;
VR / AR;
3d printing.
By combining assets, you can create your own unique park;
You can easily change the color of objects - using the UV map;
Pivot in the logical place of the object;
Model has a logical name.
90 unique assets;
78508 Polygons
76557 Vertex
Items (x90):
Inflatable Balloon, Bull Ride, Playground, Fort, Swing, Slide, Table, Roundabout, Rolling Ball, Baby Bottle, Unicorn Pool Float, Rocking Horse, Dice, Remote Game, Bicycle, Scooter, Pram, Reg Wagon, Trike, Bike, Baby Carriage, Basketball Hoop, Helmet, Tennis Racket, Soccer Ball, Basket Ball, Ball, Skateboard, Unicycle, Photo Camera, Video Camera, Snow Globe, Pokemon Ball, Piano Keyboard, Paint Board, Chess Board, Slipper, Sword, Shield, Toy, Fidget Spinner, Drum, Xylophone, Airplane Swing, Teddy Bear, Balloons, Lego, White Board, Baby Coat, Bedroom Furniture, Water Gun, Spring Horse, Pyramid Color, Rattle, Baby Pacifier, Tennis Bat, Batminton, Bowling Ball, Shuttlecock, Racket, School Desk, Chinese Lamp, Ship Wheel, Alarm Clock and many more
All models use one texture (as a color palette);
1 Textures are UV Map
Resolution: 2048 px.
c4d \ blender \ maya \ 3dsmax \ fbx \ obj \ gltf \ stl \ 3ds