Requirements: Maya 2020 and above, python v 3.7
usage: put the script in your python script editor in Maya and execute it.
i wrote this script for more than two years ago and i have been using it ever saved me a lot of time in the rendering process for outputting LPEs for comp. I've been meaning to share it for some time so here it is.
this script is used to automatically create specific " light path expressions " in the render pass and set the aiAov attribute in the light shape with the option to set auto render override.
this tool works with my renderLayerCreator script, check it out
*** description ***
** createPerLightLPEs: use this func to create all LPEs passes for each of the selected light.
** createLPESelected: use this func if you want to set the same LPEs to all of the selected lights with all render passes.
** createBtyLPE : use this func if you want to only create a single beauty LPE to the selected light/s.
** checkLPEs: this is to check if you have more than 16 aiAov set in your scene. this will only work if you put all your light in a group called "____LGT____" and select this group.
** setToDefault: this is to set the selected light aiAov to "default" if you have exceeded 16 aiAov.
if the light have an AOV Group name already set by the user then the script will use that name to create the render passes, if not, the light name will be used instead.
open the script editor for tips if you need to change or add any more render passes.
please email me if you found any bug at