Shin’s Lazy Paintbox is a suite of filters, texture generators, materials, & projects that aim to simplify the material creation process in Substance Painter & Designer in the most painterly way possible. The goal is to develop an expanding collection of awesome tools that artists can use to make 3D art fun again! The tools encourage you to let go of details and push towards colorful pieces that bring a smile to your face. Every feature is crafted with ease-of-use in mind, so anyone can use them, regardless of experience. Check the images above for more details, or reach out for any questions. I'll be making video tutorials soon!
I’ve decided to handle this suite in a fun way. I’m going to be developing a lot free expansions and updates for owners! As more tools and features are added, the shop price may change, so by investing in the Lazy Paintbox today, you’re guaranteeing yourself an ever growing collection of tools with the free updates; and there’s no better reward for being cool than that.
Lazy Paintbox Suite (1.0) Includes…
Shin's Painterly Smart Material - The craziest post-process smart material on the internet. Brushstrokes, Fake Light, Paint Filter, & More.
Lazy Paint - A beastly filter to bust up your entire material with a painterly flow in one click
Lazy Brush - A painterly texture Generator with a set of simple controls to generate brushstrokes
Lazy Light (Designer Only) - An arcane filter that extracts your height to bake/blend a painterly light your texture
Lazy Rough (Designer Only) - A brute force filter that chews your heightmap up and spits out a painterly roughness map
Demo File: Painterly Cliff Base (Designer) - A sample SBS to demonstrate how to build amazing materials with just a few of the Lazy Paintbox Nodes!
Demo File: Painterly Cliff (Painter) - A beautifully sculpted stylized cliff Painter file made with the Painterly Smart Material and the Cliff Base material!
Note: Lazy Paintbox LITE only includes one filter & one material as of v1.0, but will receive updates as well
Note: Grab the Lazy Paintbox PRO version for the SBS files, but personally, I think the Lazy Paintbox PLUS is the best deal :)
Gumorad Version also available: