This Pack is compatible with unreal engine's sky atmosphere system.
- Atmospheric or Stylized Sky
- Easily adjustable colors based on the time of day
- Gradients from the Sun and Moon
- Atmospheric or Stylized Sun
- Variable size based on the time of day
- Color curves
- Sun Stripe animation for sunsets
- Animation for Sun Rays, Sun Glares, and Sun Halos
- Star Density
- Color Curves
- Day and Night visibility
- Rotation on the sky
- Animating glares and flares
- Adjustable moon phase
- Day and Night visibility
- Color Curves
- Moon Fresnel
- Adjustable cloud shapes
- Wind Movement
- Color Curves
- Cloud Masks
- Top-Down Shading
- Dynamic Shading based on the sun's position
- Detail Map
- Cloud Highlights
- Edge Glow
- Cloud Distortion
- Cloud's edge hardness variation
- Cloud gradients based on sun position
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How to use:
- Place the BP_CartoonSky_DayNightCycle into your scene. Select it and define your directional sunlight, directional moonlight, skylight,and height fog. Make sure your directional lights are atmospheric lights. Index of the sun is 0 the atmospheric sun index for the moon is 1
- In the BP_CartoonSky_DayNightCycle select a type of cloud and set your Day Night Cycle speed
- If you don't want to use the day night cycle bp place the SM_CartoonSky mesh in the scene, after that create a material instance from M_CartoonSky and apply the instance to the mesh
- In project settings enable " Support Sky Atmosphere Affecting Height Fog "
Materials: 1 Master sky material and 6 instances
The electric poles are included with the package.
This asset is not a weather system yet. You can't blend various weather effect. The shader is supporting it but there are no blueprints for them in place.
Supported Engine Versions: Unreal 5.0 and up
This is an unreal engine project!
Release Notes
Update 1.1 (Unreal 5 version):
• Exposure set to min 1 max 1 (so disabled) if the nighttime is to light adjust your night time exposure
• Added fake cloud shadow light function
• Moon can be rotated on the sky