Hey There!!
This is a Artistic tree generator. you can create most of the tree type like fantasy trees, Dead spooky trees, generic trees, Swamp trees, etc. with it. It provides you Power of 50+ Controls and Parameters to give you most beautiful non-destructive trees.
trees separate parts also have their own procedural UVs and you can join them by just a Vecter math add node in Shaders. which I used for mu render. it also have combined UV but it shows little stretching around procedural seams. so use the first method which is already set-up-ed for you.
All Controls are Organized in Modifiers panel with necessary tool tips. like MBT = mega branches, Branches, Twigs. All controls are easy to understand. you just require One go through all the controls.
Procedural Leaves are included: but you can always add you own Leaves just add them in a Collection and select that collection in Controls. make sure origin Point of your leaves is at correctio position and they at correct rotation just like default leaves just match Them. don't forget to select your leaves material in tree controls.
Procedural bark Shader also Included along with an extra PBR material(Packed in blend file). Which you can also switch in controls.
based on Blender Geometry Nodes.
Checkout my artworks: abhaysiddhartha
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Release Notes
Added a new Roots variant, roots are separate object which is parented to main tree. do the same for new trees you create. but these roots has their own controls as well so don't forget to modify it for new trees(Value I recommend to change are UVW and seed.)
this new roots variant you will get with 50+ controls version (any license) for free.
License update