This product contains several useful tools for detailing and sculpting all kinds of mutant skin. Use them for sci-fi mutants, altered zombies, fantasy abominations, radioactive post apocalyptic characters, monsters, strange creatures, and all that you can imagine.
The brushes include skin bumps, keloids, scars, veins, protuberances, folds, wrinkles, and other details.
A must have for modeling horror, sci-fi and fantasy with ZBrush!
300 ZBrush brushes of different kinds: dragrect, dragdot, draw brushes, and spray.
75 PSD Alphas that you can use in Zbrush and other 3D apps that use alphas. 2048x2048 pixels, 16 bits, grayscale, in PSD and JPG, for all 3D applications.
A PDF tutorial, and an index of the brushes.
A video tutorial, that you can also find on YouTube (in our channel), but is included in our product for your future reference.
The ZBrush brushes include different kind of brushes:
DragRect and DragDot brushes that you can click and drag to set the position and size of the detail.
Special Draw brushes that have settings to allow you to paint the details in an artistic way, as if you were drawing them. This way they have direction and uniqueness, and look natural.
Spray brushes that put random strokes of the alphas on your model.
COMPATIBLE WITH: ZBrush 2021.7.1 and up (updating to 2022 or more is free and easy).
Credits: head base model is "Speed Head Anatomy" by charles.woods (CC.BY. 4.0). Link in video.